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In search of an effective model of university in Kazakhstan. Collaborative monograph

Алматы Менеджмент Университет
Abdullin R., Akoyeva I., Altaliyeva A., Aryn A., Bayserkeyev O., Buldybayev T., Dzhalkibayev Z., Diaz-Soloaga A., Imangaliyeva S., Kaumenova A., Kozhakhmetov A., Kurenkeyeva G., Maralbayeva S., Musapirov K., Nikiforova N., Nurgazina A., Saari D., Satekova A., Smykova M., Suleymenov Y., Temirbekova A., Tuyenbayeva Zh., Tyutyunnikova M., Frigerio A., Khan I., Dilzhan N., Massadikov K., Akhmetov B., Zhumurova A., Irsaliyev S., Skiba M., Kazybayeva A., Khassanova N., Yuzhaninova-Karadenizli K., Temirbekova Zh., Smagulova Z., Yespolov T., Zhumagazina B., Funtikova A., Janusz-Pawletta B., Zhikeyev A., Dulambayeva R., Vigovskaya I., Doszhanova U., Kenzhekhanuly R., Klivenko A.
Сведения об ответственности:
ред. Kozhakhmetova A.
Год издания:
Тип издания:

Об издании

The monograph focuses on current trends and future development of higher education in Kazakhstan. Through critical analysis, the authors tried to find the main ways to form an effective university model using the results of local and foreign studies and the accumulated experience of developed countries, as well as to answer the following questions: How has the role of education changed in the development of society? Which direction should it move in? What economic, social and political trends have had a decisive impact on Kazakhstan’s new education format? Furthermore, what needs to be done for the universities to meet new challenges and requirements of the twenty-first century? This book is a joint effort of a team of authors; it consists of 11 chapters describing successful foreign and local university cases and expert comments. For authors’ and experts’ resume, please, scan the QR code in the margins. Each chapter concludes with a reference section, and all abbreviations are summarized at the end of the monograph. The book is intended for university rectors, researchers, teachers, education experts, representatives of business and the public sector, and a wider audience interested in the future of education in Kazakhstan. The publication is dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Independence.

Библиографическая запись

In search of an effective model of university in Kazakhstan : collaborative monograph / R. Abdullin [и др.].. — Almaty : Алматы Менеджмент Университет, 2022. — 270 c. — ISBN 978-601-7470-98-2. — Текст : электронный // Цифровой образовательный ресурс IPR SMART : [сайт]. — URL: https://www.iprbookshop.ru/129387.html (дата обращения: 04.05.2024). — Режим доступа: для авторизир. пользователей



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